Support GIA
GIA is a charitable, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to ensure the public trust in gems and jewelry by upholding the highest standards of integrity, academics, science, and professionalism. Your tax-deductible donation supports GIA’s education, research, laboratory services, and instrument development.

Cash and pledged donations fund much-needed educational scholarships and the Institute’s research efforts. Non-cash gifts of gemstones, jewelry, and books serve as important learning and research tools.

GIA gratefully acknowledges the companies and individuals whose gifts and pledges have advanced the Institute’s mission-critical activities in education and research.
It is central to GIA’s mission to uphold the highest standards of integrity. We respectfully ask that our laboratory and instruments clients, vendors, and current students limit their GIA contributions to $1,000 or less during any 12-month period. We appreciate your consideration.