Student Notification of Classroom Chemical Usage

The American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) promotes and facilitates safe practices in chemical activities and provides guidance for academic institutions. Such guidance includes institutions to promote awareness to individuals who may be exposed to chemicals such as gem refractive index (RI) liquid, which contains diiodomethane. Rl liquid is used in the Graduate Colored Stones program, the Gem Identification Lab class, and the Student Workroom. You may need to exercise special precautions if you are pregnant, if you have certain medical conditions and/or if you have sensitivity or are allergic to this chemical. If you are unsure, contact your physician for advice.

GIA provides protective gloves and appropriate disposal containers in each classroom. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is posted in each classroom and GIA will provide a copy on request.